About Us
Last Updated: 01/14/2024
Most everyone with an interest in Model A's is familiar with the book Henry's Lady by Ray Miller. Henry's Lady Chapter was named after that book.
George and Darleen Stoker moved from Oceanside, California to the Illinois Valley about 30 miles south of Grants Pass in 1980. They soon joined the Caveman Vintage Car club (CVCC) in Grants Pass, because at that time there was not a Model A Ford Club of America (MAFCA) chapter in this part of the state. As they reminisced about their friends and happy times with the Palomar A's, they decided to form a new MAFCA chapter in the Cave Junction and Grants Pass area.
It didn't take Darleen long to come up with a name. Henry's Lady seemed the perfect choice because on the cover of the book is a photo of their 1929 phaeton with George as the driver of the car and Darleen in the seat behind him. The passengers were their friends Doc and Meredith Morton, also of Palomar A's. The picture was taken going 35 mph passing by their home on Skyline Drive in Oceanside. Henry's Lady Chapter was chartered in December, 1983.
Before too long, George and Darleen's friends from California came up to visit. Several liked it so well they also bought property in the Illinois Valley and became charter members of the Henry's Lady Chapter. The charter members are: George and Darleen Stoker, Richard and Dorothy Allen, Steve and Pauline Currie, Jim and Nancy Quinlan, and Art and Nancy Stradley.
Shortly after they started the chapter, Darleen became ill and later passed away. For sentimental reasons, George didn't have the heart to get the MAFCA chapter off the ground. He later moved out of the area, but before leaving, he asked some of his Caveman Vintage Car Club friends who owned Model A's to fulfill his dream of making Henry's Lady an active Model A club. So in 1988, we started meeting informally. In 1993, after having been asked to host the 1996 NW Regional Meet, our first officers were elected and by-laws were adopted.
The 1996 regional meet was a great deal of work, but it was a huge success and a very rewarding undertaking. We had a core group of about 25 people, many of whom had never attended a regional meet, who planned the various activities that took place the third week of June in that year. The entire club membership, which was around 45 couples at that time, came out in force to help with the various activities. We had about 225 registrations, which equates to roughly 450 people and around 200 Model A's roaming around Grants Pass for the better part of a week! People came from as far away as Vancouver, British Columbia and San Diego, California.
In 2013 we celebrated 30 years as a MAFCA chapter and received a Chapter Longevity Award at the NW Regional Meet in Bend in September. In 2024 we are celebrating our 41st year. We truly have a lot to celebrate as we drive our beloved Model A's as much as we can, promote their restoration and preservation, and continue to enjoy our wonderful community of Model A friends! -- Nancy Firth