Last Updated 02/27/2024
Click on any of the underlined links for more information
Model A Ford Club of America - MAFCA
Model A Ford Foundation - MAFFI
Where to Find Non-Ethanol Gasoline for your Vintage Car
Santa Clara Valley Chapter's Manifold Cooking
Annual Tour Preparation guide (originally from Diablo A's) (02/27/2024)
Check out Oregon Car Culture online - events, shows, races, you name it - in Oregon! (11/08/2023) is "the place for Model A Ford enthusiasts looking for information on Zenith carburetors. Think of us as the central source for information on identifying and solving your carburetor problems."
Learn about the Lincoln Highway: This Highway, Dedicated to Abraham Lincoln (09/28/2023)
Vice Grip Garage video - Will This Ford Model A RUN AND DRIVE 700+ Miles Home?
On YouTube! The Model E - 1930 Ford Model A Roadster All Electric EV Bolt In Conversion. Tesla battery & Hyper9 (06/11/2023)