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Last Updated 11/21/2023 

The Tool Box 
By John Firth


The purpose of this column is for members who are either restoring a Model A or are working on issues that need correcting or updating to share their experiences and progress with the club.  But I won’t know what you are doing unless you tell me about it, so give me a call!  


Here’s what’s going on in November, 2023: 


Tom Bormuth is mounting the fenders on his 30 Tudor
and getting ready for the upholstery. (right)
Didn’t quite get it done before his two week hunting trip.


Todd Calvert’s 30 AA chassis now has Craig White’s burned-out pick up cab on it and is going to make a bed for hauling lumber from his portable sawmill.  

And this just in…a few days ago Todd brought home 30 AA dump truck! (left)

Todds 30 AA.jpg

Barry Waugaman just bought a 31 Victoria project! (right)

Barrys 31 Vic.jpg

Roger Huffman just bought a 31 Fordor Sedan that needs a lot of work before it is road worthy.

Art Peary has been doing a complete valve job after finding a broken carburetor jet in the intake port in the block.  So he decided to put in new valves, guides and springs. Art will try and bring the completed project to the next meeting, weather permitting. 

I have had an ongoing puzzling event on my 31 Roadster PU.  It has a newly rebuilt motor that was running 2 months ago.  I had parked it waiting for a new bed from Brookville Roadster, got the bed painted and wanted to move the car under the bed.  It wouldn’t start.  Checked timing, points, coil, all good.  Art Peary, having just come off his valve rebuilding project, suggested a stuck valve.  That could have been the problem, don’t really know for sure, but it started and runs quite nicely and that’s all that matters!  I will also be adding Marvel Mystery Oil to the gas.

If you have updates, call me at 541-474-1516.  And if you need help with something,  as long as you are a member in good standing of Henry’s Lady, you can call me for a Busted Knuckles consultation.


Keep turning those wrenches!

John Firth

Previous Printed Tool Box:


Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May     Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec    

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